On New Year's Eve, 2181, the world as we knew it ended in a catastrophic event known as The Collapse. Triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in Antarctica, the disaster set off a chain reaction of earthquakes and tsunamis across the world. Millions perished in the initial chaos, and countless more died from violence and plagues caused by ancient pathogens long entombed beneath the ice. Toxic ash swirled through the atmosphere, blocking out the sun and unleashing Category 5 hurricanes of acid rain. Survivors battled for scraps on a hostile, frigid world.
Amidst this devastation, The Ark, a group of humanity’s brightest minds, emerged. In 2182, they opened sixty-four bunkers across the ruined world, each capable of housing five thousand survivors. But while these bunkers provided protection from the hostile world, life inside was bleak. The Ark realized that people needed more than survival; they needed hope, community, and the chance to heal. So they created the Everreach, a virtual utopia accessible by anyone inside the bunker system. More than just an escape, the Everreach was also a repository for the collective knowledge of human civilization salvaged from before the Collapse.
For a time, the Everreach thrived, becoming the center of life in the bunker system. But strange digital anomalies began to appear. These glitches, subtle at first, escalated into a full-blown attack by a sentient computer virus calling itself MARA. Before the Ark could react, she had absorbed entire sections of the digital world – and the data stored there – into herself. Dr. Marcus Taylor, one of the original architects of The Everreach, managed to quarantine her in one of the corrupted zones. However, the walls of her digital prison are fragile. If MARA were to escape, humanity would lose access to the only refuge they have left, along with centuries of knowledge, science, and culture.
In order to purge MARA from the system for good, Dr. Taylor realized that the citizens of the Everreach needed to go on the offensive. He assembled small teams of Raiders to venture into MARA’s twisted digital landscape to fight back. But they won’t be going alone. Supporting them will be Guides, helping the Raiders navigate her twisted maze, as well as Oracles, citizens of the Everreach who give the Raiders and Guides the energy to complete their mission.
And they’ll need all they can get. MARA’s quarantine zone is a surreal, corrupted nightmare where reality bends to her will. Inside, she controls everything, creating monstrous enemies and insidious traps. Raiders must fight to reclaim the information and resources she’s taking, all while uncovering the clues of her mysterious origins – and how to stop her – once and for all.
MARA may have attacked first, but now humanity will get their REVENGE.